CT sinus
De basis principes van het CT sinus onderzoek.

Anatomie - Drainagetraject Sinussen
Kennis van de drainagepatronen is essentieel voor het diagnosticeren, behandelen en voorkomen van sinusgerelateerde aandoeningen.
De sinussen hebben een eigen drainagetraject, alle uiteindelijk eindigend in de neusholte (fig. 19), waarna de mucus vervolgens richting de nasofarynx getransporteerd wordt.
Leer alles over CT sinus
Text & Illustrations
Drs. A. van der Plas, MSK radiologist Maastricht UMC+
With special thanks to:
Drs. J. van Steekelenburg, ENT specialist, Zuyderland Medisch Centrum
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H.S. Singh et.al.; Perspective Chapter: Frontal Sinus – Updates on Classification and Surgical Approaches. Paranasal Sinuses – Surgical Anatomy and its Applications (2023)
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J.W. Dankbaar et.al.: Imaging findings of the orbital and intracranial complications of acute bacteria rhinosinusitis. Insights into Imaging (2015).
C.H. Chen et.al.; Unilateral Paranasal Sinusitis Detected by Routine Sinus CT: Analysis of Pathology and Image Findings. J. Radiol Sci (2011)
B.Y. Huang et.al.; Failed Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: Spectrum of CT Findings in the Frontal Recess. Radiographics (2009)
W.T. O’Brien et.al.; The Preoperative Sinus CT: Avoiding a ‘’CLOSE’’ Call with Surgical Complications. Radiology (2016)
V. Velayudhan et.al.; Imaging of Intracranial and Orbital Complications of Sinusitis and Atypical Sinus Infection: What the Radiologist Needs To Know. Diagnostic Radiology (2017)
L. Shankar, K. Evans, M. Hawke, H. Stammberger; An Atlas of Imaging of the Paranasal Sinuses (1994)
(All the work (text, illustrations, visual elements) seen on this website is copyright by Radiology Expert.
It may not be used without written permission of Radiology Expert).